The AAIRE President and Founder, Farrah Mozawalla, speaks out about microaggressions against AAPI communities. “We know first hand how it feels how to be the other. It’s a cycle and this cycle must stop now.”
AAIRE Speaker Former Nassau County Executive Laura Curran emphasizes the diversity of the Asian community. “It is not one size fits all.”
Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, founder of the American Pakistani Public Affairs Committee states, “While we are a growing population, we continue to be underrepresented in many spaces.” Thank you Dr. Ijaz for opening spaces and conversations for the next generation.
Cherry Huang, Founding President of the Chin University Alumni Alliance and the New York Senior Care Group, states “The hard fact is the data and information on our communities is very limited.” Thank you Cherry Huang for being a voice for our elders.
Long Island Chinese American Association Founding Member Dawei Zhou states, “Tonight [the night of AAIRE’s launch] is the start of change. I believe we will be able to support policy reform for a better and safer future.”
Deputy Commissioner Nasrin Ahmad of the Town of Hempstead & Erica Dean, Chair of the Women’s Diversity Network (WDN), state “This [AAIRE] is something that should have been done years ago…As a black woman, I do know what it means to be discriminated against. We must stick together in this fight for justice for all Americans”.
Congressional candidate Grace Meng emphasizes the importance of intercommunity unity and support. Thank you Representative Meng for being a tireless advocate for the Asian American community.
NY Senator Kevin Thomas states, “AAIRE will empower us to stand together against all forms of hate. Let’s make our community better together.” Thank you Senator Thomas for your continual advocacy for all of Long Island.
Senator John Lui states, "It's been a difficult couple of years, with the #pandemic and the onslaught of anti-Asian hate. There is no better time than now to take action." Thank you Senator Liu for championing equality.
Sadia R. Chaudhury, the Founding Organizer of Muslims for Progress and the Founding Director of Arise Wellness and Psychology, emphasized, “We can’t address #hatecrimes without knowing the scope of the problem. AAIRE’s commitment to research driven information is what we need to give a voice to what is often a hidden crime.”
NY State Congress Candidate Reema Rasool, and Executive Dean Lawrence Levy from the National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University, state “One of the major reasons Asians get left behind is because of the lack of data….There isn’t anywhere near enough studies or research to make the progress that is needed.”